I normally find the time to catch up on some of my open source projects over the summer.
My summer holiday have only just started and I have nothing planned for coding, not that I lack projects, but I would much rather do some blogging.
Anyway, I managed to get two releases done.
Just before I left for holiday Oliver Welter punked me with an issue in Workflow, I had forgotten about. So Workflow 1.36 has been released to CPAN.
My monitor of PostDanmark notified me with a change to the danish postal codes, so a new release of Business::DK::Postalcode (0.04) has also been released to CPAN.
I hope to be able to do some more coding over the summer, since I have both the projects and the bugs to address, but I had sort of planned to do more blogging, researching and reading.
Have a nice summer – I know I will,
jonasbn, Silkeborg