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Releases of Business::*::Postalcode for Greenland, Faroe Islands and an update for Denmark


These releases have been on my mind for a long time. I had the data resources to do it, but just could not find the time. Participating in the Questhub quest on releasing a new module every month was a boost and I scheduled the two new releases in this quest, but work and life in general caught up with me so they never got finalised.

During the summer holiday I finally found some time to get them out of the way, so I have released:

- Business::DK::Postalcode 0.08
- Business::GL::Postalcode 0.01
- Business::FO::Postalcode 0.01

Business::DK::Postalcode has been extended with a Mojolicious::Lite web application example and hereby some new methods improving the API to the data source.

GL and FO have had additional releases as 0.02 since after GLs release I needed to makes some changes introduced by requirements from FO, which is a subclass of GL.

All distributions are based on the same data source, which I split up by country code. DK only holds a procedural interface either to validate or extract the data, where GL and FO is implemented as object oriented offering the procedural interface as a wrapper.

The latter comes to a certain price, something I am working on fixing, since the performance penalty for this (can be observed with the test suite) is painful.

The projects have taught me a lot about Perl’s __DATA__ and all of the problems of supporting both a procedural and an OO interface and there is much to be learned still, but now the initial versions are out there and I am working on improvements and changes for the DK distribution so it can used in an object oriented manner too.

I am also working on additional example applications, since these really provide good insights on how to do things, it is really healthy to eat your own dog food.

So more releases will follow and hopefully I will be able to catch up with the quest, since I have more new modules lined up for finalising and release in the coming months and lets not forget about CPANday!!

jonasbn, Copenhagen

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